


Linnaeus named the adult butterfly imago, considering it to be the ‘true representation’ of the organism, as opposed to the larva, meaning ghost in latin. Looms (unborn) trace such transformation and the emergence of imagos as images: from the formlessness to the formed. 

Larvae become a formless ooze, making way for new growth whilst shipped across international borders. They are a form of ‘biological mess’, so odd that we don’t have a place or sense for them.

Site-specific instalation at W139 for Unspoken We exhibition. 

Empty chrysalises from Artis Butterfly Pavilion (Amsterdam), wood, silk threads, fabric, smell molecues


In collaboration with: 
Artis ZOO’s Butterfly Pavilion (Amsterdam) and Prof. Astrid Groot (UvA)

Supported by: 
Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK) Development Grant.